Want to support us?

We have really struggled with answering the question "How can we support you?" After much prayer and discussion, we have compiled the following suggestions.

We have three main areas for support:

1. Prayer support - It is amazing us to watch God answer our prayers, and those of the people who pray regularly for us. We have recieved many blessings, much protection and confirmation that God is interested in the details of our lives and our trip. Please pray for us as often as you feel led. If you would like to know our daily specific prayer needs, please contact us.

Prayer Ideas:
  • Traveling protection
  • Direction (to stay within God's plan for our trip)
  • Family unity
  • Focussed school work for the children
  • Work for Daniel
  • Opportunities to share our faith
  • Our involvement in the MOPS and MMM Minstries

2. Financial support - we have the same needs as any family, food, clothing, insurance, fuel, car repayments, etc... If you have prayed and decided you would like to support us financially, perhaps you could pay our phone bill for a month, or our fuel bill for a while, send money for food, or make a regular donation, etc... The easiest way to send money is to direct deposit into our bank account (we can email or SMS these details). If you would like to remain anonymous in your support, please send the money to Maroochy Baptist Church, and they will send it to us. Whilst your financial support is greatly appreciated, it is a matter between you and God, He will let you know what to do.

Finance Ideas:
  • Fuel cards
  • School Fees
  • School Books (Curriculum)
  • Groceries
  • Telephone / Internet Bills
  • Vehicle repairs and maintenance
  • Tyres
  • Annual insurance bill
  • Gift cards - Bunnings, BCF, Koorong, etc...

3. Family Support - our family is the same as any other family, but we often feel alone and miss our extended family deeply. We love to recieve mail, emails, gifts and cards. Please do not think we are too busy with travelling for you to call. It has been amazing to watch how God has prompted people to call or pray for us, right at the moment when we needed it!

Our children are home schooling with the, sometimes limited, resources we can carry. They all read books at an alarming rate, and we are constantly looking for ways to get them new books to read. If you have suitable books at home that you no longer read, please consider sending us what you can. Our children are very well read, so it might pay to check with us before sending. Also remember that we have very little storage space. Our children are in Grades 2, 5 & 6. They LOVE Enid Blyton. We can also return books to you if requested.

Family Ideas:
  • MP3's of good sermons
  • Praise and Worship music
  • Books on CD
  • Childrens books / Novels
  • Adventures in Odessey
  • Focus on the Family CD's
  • A regular email / SMS
  • News from your home
  • The children really crave snail mail from friends 
  • We have 2 Nintendo DS Game consoles and 2 Nintendo Gameboy Advance consoles - please send games for the kids to use, as their current games become old very quickly. We would prefer NOT to have war or first person shooter games.

weight loss support

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