Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Leven Canyon

P3159960 On the way to Leven Canyon, we passed through a little town called Wilmot. It is most famous for having the first GJ Coles store in Australia.

The store was bought in August last year by a couple from Cairns, wanting a sea change. Two weeks after they arrived, it was snowing within 2 km of them. Brrrrr…… sea change indeed!

P3160008 The national park containing Leven Canyon is an unspoilt rainforest bushland, a marvellous sight from every angle, and a wonder to wander through. P3160019
P3169969 Having completed the 10 minute easy walk to the Canyon loookout, with its spectacular view over the gorge and rainforest…… P3160022
P3169990 you may be tempted to walk the 697 steps through the rainforest walk to the bottom of the gorge. There are even seats along the way that tell you how far you have progressed. P3169999
P3160014 The rainforest is magnificent and some of the trees are huge! The walk was beautiful and well worth while. P3160010
P3160026 While we were camped at Leven Canyon, we met a family travelling with 4 children, whilst home schooling their kids. P3160031

Ahhh… the lunatics you meet along the way……………….

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