Okay so it wasn’t a traditional start to School for the year…but we’re underway. It’s funny you know…but I never thought I’d be a Home-schooling Mum. It was never even a blip on my radar. In fact, the whole idea brought forth emotions of terror and acute self-consciousness. I took a good long look at my gaps in learning, as well as a very real look at practical things like tolerance, Patience, Wisdom, Encouragement….and thought “I can’t do this!!!!” My family think otherwise, so here I am. Fresh, nervous and uncertain of what’s to come…
We find ourselves beginning with very few resources so it’ll be a bumpy start, but a start is made nonetheless. We took the obligatory first day of School pics and nuckled down with establishing a routine… Oh and we are in The Lea Scout Campsite, between Kingston and Hobart…173 Hectares of Bush, and we’re the only campers! Very quiet and very nice…just a wee bit cool overnight.
Note: We have a tradition of the kids holding up their fingers to indicate their year level…I just love the way they put their own personality on it, and had to include a couple of extra shots cos they were so cool! (Remember, if you click on a photo it will open up larger)
Here are the stars of the show…
Hope it's all going well with the homeschooling (or should we say "tentschooling"?)
*missed you at MOPS today!*
Thank-you so much for sharing such wonderful smiles and memories. Missed you guys on the first day, so it was good to be able to catch up this way. Love ya! xx
Hey guys... I too am back at school, Studying such wonderful topics as truth tables and boolean algebra. Don't forget if you ever find you need an extra tutor the phone and e-mail are always options.
Study Hard !!!!!
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